Patient Exercises

PLEASE READ: before undertaking ANY exercise or exercise program, to avoid risk of injury or any health complications, you should first consult an appropriate healthcare professional. Whilst every effort has been made to make these exercises safe and clearly explained it is impossible for this type of generic advice to be complete, safe and effective in every individual case.

CLICK ON ‘Read More’ to see the full image of the exercise with instructions, or, if there are multiple illustrations for the exercise all of the images, or to play anyone of the videos.


Choose a category or view all the exercises below:

Legs | Chest | Back | Abs | Shoulders | Arms | Hips/Glutes | Neck

Shoulders, Chest Darren Chandler Shoulders, Chest Darren Chandler

Serratus Anterior Forward Shrugs & Forward Raises - Video

Both exercises can be done with or without a resistance band. EXERCISE ONE: FORWARD SHRUGS. Keep looking forwards throughout the exercise. Keeping your elbows straight firstly draw your shoulders blades back, squeezing them together, and then push them forwards, pulling them apart. EXERCISE TWO: FORWARD RAISES. Keep looking forwards throughout the exercise. Keeping your arms straight run your knuckles up a wall and then lower them back down again.

Click ‘Read More’ below to watch the video and read a full description of the exercise.

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Neck, Back Darren Winter Neck, Back Darren Winter

Levator Scapula Stretch

Sit on your right hand. Squeeze your right shoulder blade backwards towards your spine. Slowly let your head drop to the left side so your left ear flops over towards your left shoulder. Keeping your head tilted to the side slowly look down to your left foot and then back up to the wall. Repeat in a very slow controlled nodding action.

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Neck Darren Winter Neck Darren Winter

Chin Retraction - Video

Keeping the back of your head on the floor, tuck your chin in. To strengthen the front neck muscles keeping your chin tucked in, slowly lift your head off the floor.

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